Top 5 Things to Know For Your Startup Business

Many businesses closed their doors permanently in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, for some citizens the pandemic presented opportunities. Quarantines and work-from-home orders forced citizens to reevaluate their personal and business priorities. The situation also gave many people stuck in their homes time to come up with new and innovative business ideas. As a result, 4.3 million applications to open new small businesses were filed in the United States in 2020. Many people also filed new business applications in 2021 as well.

You might have a wonderful idea for a successful startup business of your own in mind, but starting a new business is not easy. In fact, 20 percent of all new businesses close within the first year of operation. If you want your business to avoid that fate, you must prepare yourself for what is to come. It is important to learn all you can about what to expect as the owner of a startup and what steps you can take to grow and protect your business. There are many tips available you can use to make your startup business a success. Here are the top five things to know and do before you launch your startup company.

Have a Solid Business Plan

No idea turns into action without a plan. The development of a startup business is no exception. A business plan is a detailed document outlining your company objectives. There are several purposes for a business plan. They include:

  • Keeping Yourself on Track

  • Making Sure Business Partners Are All Equally Informed

  • Providing Documentation You Can Use to Acquire Funding from Investors

Every business plan is different. However, there are certain common details included in almost every business plan. For instance, the first page of a business plan is the space where the business owner defines the business and its goals. A good business plan also includes descriptions of product designs associated with the company. That information is often used by potential investors to determine investment value and risk factors. Financial data is also usually included in a business plan. You can use free online business plan templates and guides to help you create a solid business plan that includes key features and is also customized for your specific business.

Be Financially Prepared to Start a Business

An idea is not enough to start a business. You also need the financial stability to turn that idea into a reality. You might already have the funds you need. If not, you can use loans or credit cards to finance the project. You may also find you need outside help in the form of investments. When requesting investments from loved ones or other business owners, make sure all parties sign written contracts outlining the terms of each investment. 

To help you determine how much initial business capital you need, consider all types of expenses. Starting a business requires everything from ordering business cards to maintaining social media accounts. You may also require a brick-and-mortar storefront or a customized online retail platform. After carefully calculating all basic expenses required, add a significant amount to cover potential emergencies. Not all expenses are predictable.

Get Used to Paperwork and Passwords

One of the most boring and time consuming tasks associated with any business is filling out paperwork, whether with a paper and pen or digitally. However, that paperwork is essential for protecting yourself and your business assets. One of the first steps to take when creating a startup is filing for the required business licenses in your area. You must also collect signed written contracts from investors, partners, and employees whenever necessary. Make sure you keep your paperwork updated and properly organized to avoid major business catastrophes. Also, use computer passwords or physical safes to protect your trade secrets and confidential business information.

Study the Industry and Your Competitors

Your startup business cannot succeed unless you have an initial grasp of what the industry and your direct competitors are like. You must also make sure you continue to study your competitors as time passes. Make note of their new products and services. See what their customers are willing to pay for those goods and services. Ask yourself why your competitors are succeeding or failing in certain areas. Use that information to get your own business started properly and keep it on the right path. To learn information about your competitors use methods like these:

  • Explore Their Websites

  • Buy Their Products

  • Interview Their Customers

  • Read Online Reviews

  • Analyze Their Advertising Campaigns

  • Attend Industry Conferences

  • Monitor Their Social Media Accounts

  • Search for Data Using the Better Business Bureau and Other Public Records


“When do I start networking?” is one of the biggest questions in business. The answer is as early as you possibly can. Before your business is even officially started, let people know you are starting it. Networking is the best way to spread the word about your business to potential clients. That way you can establish a client base from day one. It is also an excellent way to find investors, partners, or employees. Start by networking in your existing circles of trust. Those circles may include:

  • Current or Former Coworkers

  • Friends

  • Family Members

  • Neighbors

  • Social Media Followers

When you are ready, you can also network with the general public in various ways. For example, you can attend business conferences and form friendships with other attendees. Once you establish contact, remember to maintain it. One of the most important aspects of successful networking is creating long-lasting business relationships. You can potentially use those relationships for many purposes, such as getting raw materials needed to make your products at discounted rates.

Keep Your Business Successful Without Burning Out

The five tips above can help you get your startup running successfully. However, keeping it going is an ongoing balancing act. If you want to succeed, you must have extreme patience and flexibility. You must also find ways to balance your new business with the rest of your life. A key reason many businesses fail is business owner burnout. Avoid that pitfall by creating a business schedule that suits your lifestyle. Knowing your limitations is one of the best ways to succeed in business.