To be able to call yourself a ‘welder’ and to be eligible for the rewarding career it has to offer, you would first need to complete a certified training program. Many community colleges and trade schools across the country offer degree programs in welding. How long is welding school going to take to complete? That would depend on the specialization you choose, whether it be a certificate program, an apprenticeship or a degree program.
As there are many different types of specializations within the welding profession, it’s best to first understand what type of training that would be required for the area of welding you wish to become certified in.
The Benefits of Attending Welding School
Welding school educates students in the craft of combining two or more pieces of metal into one. This process involves the use of extremely high heat in the form of gas, electricity and even lasers. Therefore, it can be a dangerous undertaking.So then why then pursue a career in this field? Well, there are a number of reasons why a career in welding is a safe bet for the long term. One of the main reasons being that welding positions are plentiful. As previous generations of career welders reach retirement age, more job opportunities have and will become available. This means that there is a great level of job security in the field that other positions in the manufacturing sector, for instance, just cannot offer.
Another reason why pursuing a degree in this profession is a worthwhile endeavor is welding school cost and time. You can get a welding certificate in as little as seven months.
After completing the program and passing the required testing, you are ready to join the workforce. This is a relatively fast track that can get you trained in a new career and working in less than a year. That means less time and money spent on school and more time spent on the job, gaining experience and making money.
Welding School Cost
During a welding program, students learn both practical and skill-based knowledge of the profession. After graduation, students would qualify for an entry-level position as a welder.There are some highly recognized technical schools that offer welding in the United States. These schools are located or have locations throughout the country.
Here, you will find a list of a few, as well as the average cost of attendance:
Tulsa Welding School - $19,977
Lincoln Electric Welding School - $6,850
Illinois Welding School - $9,035
Professional Welder - seven months
Welding Specialist - seven months
Associate of Occupational Studies in Welding Technology - 14 months
Welding School Qualifications and Certifications
After completing welding school, you must pass a certification program in order to become a certified welder.You could either obtain a very specialized employer certification or an American Welding Society (AWS) Certificate. The former certifies that you have received training in a particular type of welding process while the latter demonstrates a more comprehensive knowledge of welding.
In addition to the above qualifications, those interested in a career in this field must be physically capable of wearing heavy safety gear, working with high heat, standing for long periods of time and working in varying conditions.
Careers After Welding School
As mentioned, welders are necessary in a variety of industries. As a welder, you can specialize in a type of welding that can lead to a career in all sorts of industries. The following are just a few:-
Underwater welder
Aircraft welder
Structural welder
Pipe welder